Platform type and map index: VG n/a
Location region: Mauritania
Citydrop code name: The Status Quo
Mission type: unknown

(Map picture unavailable)


Cyborg Tycoon turned revolutionary Martha Mugabe has declared her factory complex self-sufficient and independent.

She's compounded this error by offering asylum to all clones.

Sweep the property. Seek and destroy all conspirators except her. We want to meet her.


You must destroy all of the guard bots, and you will want to take out the agents as well. When you kill the two bots hanging outside of the door of the building near the top left edge of the map you need to wait for the civilian inside to move to the other side of the room. If you destroy those bots while she is close to them, the explosion will kill her and you will lose. Once the bots are done, persuade her and evacuate.