Platform type and map index: VG n/a
Location region: Kamchatka
Citydrop code name: Guard Duty
Mission type: unknown

(Map picture unavailable)


The independence of our favourite weapons lab in the eastern toxic zone is in question after a taoist takeover. Eliminate the enemy workforce and dig in.

Defend against syndicates which try to take advantage of this temporary instability. Pick up any prototypes you find.


All of the enemy agents are grouped around the top of the map.

Take long range weapons and one automatic. Take the car and drive by the agents as they start coming out of their little hideout.

When you kill a few, get out and start picking off the others with your long range rifle. Then take the car inside the square, pick up the laser, then check your map to see how to get to the Gauss Gun, and go pick that up as well. Evacuate to the agents' hideout.