Platform type and map index: PC 82
Location region: Brazil
Citydrop code name: Deep strike
Mission type: sabotage
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map82 Brazil)

(82 Brazil on world map)


An enemy syndicate has established a supply base in a nearby city. They are using it to provide a stopping off point for their forces.

As preparation for an assault strike your team is to enter the base and destroy all vehicles present therein. No trace must be left of the attack.

Syndicate update:

The base is located over to the west of the city, and we believe that it is only accessable by road.

Syndicate update:

The base is currently understaffed, and so now is the ideal time to strike. We believe that only one enemy squad is in the area to provide defence and oversee the final stages of the project.


Obviously you will have to locate a means of transport to gain access to the base. Heavy or close assault weapons will be required to destroy the vehicles whilst agents with support or long range weapons can pick off guards and keep agents at bay.

The vehicle that you use to infiltrate the base also has to be destroyed.


No description for now....