Platform type and map index: PC 67
Location region: Argentina
Citydrop code name: Helping hand
Mission type: escort
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map67 Argentina)

(67 Argentina on world map)


One of our undercover spies has been ambushed whilst en route to his drop off point. The apc he was riding in has been wrecked, and he is now stranded in the middle of a hostile city.

Your squad will be dropped in around his location, and you are to ensure that he reaches his drop off point safely.

Target update:

We have contacted the target and warned him of your arrival. He is under orders to wait for your squad before continuing on to the safe house.

Syndicate update:

Several syndicates would be all too pleased if they could get their grubby little hands on our man. We believe that at least three enemy squads have been dispatched and are in the area. You must make sure that they do not harm our man.


The full squad should be deployed, to provide the maximum amount of cover for the target. Try to get on a direct line between the enemy agents and our man. Try not to stay too close to him, as stray shots from the enemy may get lucky. One agent should sweep a path in front of him to the safe house.


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