Platform type and map index: PC 56
Location region: Atlantic Accelerator
Citydrop code name: The Big Black
Mission type: combat sweep
Agents needed: four
Suggested weapons: mini guns, gauss guns, lasers
Other essentials: all v3 mods

(map56 Atlantic Accelerator)

(56 Atlantic Accelerator on world map)


The Atlantic Ocean, after decades of misuse, has become one of the most polluted seas of the world. The sea bed, while still being mineral rich, is rapidly declining, and with the world water and energy shortages growing more and more severe, there are an increasing number of syndicates and countries looking to the sea for answers.

The Atlantic Accelerator is a huge water and mineral research station that floats on the polluted surface. Science probes and exploration craft are lowered into the murky depths for research in a vain attempt to solve the worlds water and energey problems.

Our intelligence shows that the scientists on board are extremely close to making the great discovery which may save the planet.

The syndicate that has this discovery can surely rule the whole world.

Your squad has been airlifted to the Accelerator and your mission is to sweep all other enemy agents from the platform to claim this station for our advancement and conquest.

Syndicate update:

The enemy syndicates have reailised that we are the most significant threat to their survival and as such have bonded together in an awesome alliance of resource and manpower. The strike and assault teams of seven other syndicates have also been deployed on the station but instead of fighting amongst themselves they are acting together as a team. Their weaponry reserves and technology have been pooled to equip this fearsome fighting machine.

Defence update:

You are totally outgunned and outnumbered on this one. In addition to the enemy syndicate squads there are also the resident guard posts manned by the efficient and well equipped security forces. They too realise the major threat that we pose to them and so expect them to side with the enemy syndicate coelition. We believe that gauss guns and mini guns are the standard guard post equipment.


The whole squad must be deployed for this one. All team memebers will have to be modified to stand a chance. As you are completely outnumbered try to lure the enemy agents and guards into ambush situations where you can direct maximum firepower towards smaller groups. Keep on the move as eventually they will overwhelm your position if you dig in.

At least two team memebers should carry heavy or support weaponry and consequently their arms must be modified to allow them to operate efficiently. Do not allow your squad to get split up otherwise there is a danger of them becoming cut off and wiped out. Medikits and energy shields should be carried as standard.

Due to the number of the enemy ammunition levels may become strained. Take every oportunity to replenish weapon supplies from fallen comrades or enemy.

Above all keep it tight people and watch each others backs.

good luck...

message ends.

ATLANTIC ACCELERATOR walkthrough by Steffen Schumacher

Read all of this before you start the mission ;o)

Personal thoughts:

This is IMHO the most challenging level in this game, as it should be. I've played this game a lot when it was new back in the 90ties, but never got round to clearing this level. More then a decade after, I set out to do what I failed to do in my youth ;o)


You will need all V3 mods of course, but this should be yours by now. I use 2 agents with 5 gauss guns and 3 miniguns, and 2 with 5 minis and 3 gauss guns.

First agent should have 5 gauss guns.. I'll explain later..
I've tried with lasers and shields but I fail to see the real use for it in the game at all. Long range is the only other usefull gun, and only for some levels. Save the game after you've refitted your men.


Get familiar with the map at top of this page.

Staying alive:

They will come at you hard from both south and west, and you need to use the gauss guns in order to silence the enemy before they do you.

I think you have about 3 seconds to do this:

When the enemy has been killed (the music gets more calm when theres no agents around), wait until your health reaches full, and then set all IPA levels to minimum to save strength.

Be ready to jump back into panic mode, if the music changes (agents are around = music is intense). Start scouting the map for approaching agents, without moving your men though. Once you don't see any for 60 seconds you may proceed, but otherwise just stay put and let them walk into your hail of gunfire (in panic mode of course).

There are no more agents headed towards you, drop all your empty guns, for all you men, minimize IPA levels and start moving towards the dead agents so you can replenish you ammo supplies. This should still be done with caution, moving around may attract agents - so pay attention to the music. If agents do come, flee back to your helipad, after you've put your men back into panic mode.

Repeat the above step until you've explored pretty much the entire map.
Also: kill police with caution, since they have gauss guns. Use one agent and hide the rest behind a corner - your agents can survive a hit but not two or more, so act quickly.
However don't enter buildings with agents in them!
There is a 'boss' like agent in one of the buildings, and he's not leaving.

not much of an ending though.. :o(

ATLANTIC ACCELERATOR walkthrough by Hugo den Bieman

I tried many times the strategy proposed in briefing, but that one really doesn't work. No matter what weapon or mods my agents have, squad is every time slayed at the first moment I land there.

But I have developed my own strategy, and it is very simple, and minor losses are inflicted. Most of the time only 1 of 4 dies.

All your agents MUST have all V3 improvements. specially arms, legs, and chest. Purchase, for each agent, 7 energy shields. Now, give 1 agent ONE gauss gun. The rest (3 ofcourse) must have one mini-gun each.

The fist moment you land, make one group from all 4 agents, and immediatly activate the shields. Or else you're dead in less than a second.

On all 4 agents, set the adrenaline at 100% (the red stripe above in every agents box). Now run as fast as you can to a building in the middle of the map, be sure you are taking as much following agents with you.

Look constantly at an energy shield pack you are using. DON'T USE THEM FOR 100%! Just switch to another when the used one is ALMOST empty, because an almost empty pack will recharge after a while, so you can use them again.

Now, when you are in a building, wait as long as you can. Agents are following you in the building. Wait until most of enemy agents are in the building with you. They will stand at your place and will seize their fire.

When every enemy agent is at your place in that little building... (YES, I'VE GOT A SURPRISE FOR YA!!) Click on your agent with the gauss gun, point it at the building... and shoot one time. The building is on fire.

Your agents will have a great shock, but take them out of the building (no way man, i think I'll burn them all! yeah right!). Because you bought the V3 chests their energy will recharge. Now, This was the great trick, if you didn't lose all of the enemy agents, do the same trick.

When the agents are gone, start with the guards. Just rapidly go to their towers, and shoot the hell outta them with your mini guns.

Mission complete and now let's party!!

ATLANTIC ACCELERATOR walkthrough by LaMoncha

I din't use the gauss gun in this mission ever...
There is a better way, because the game has many ingame-bugs:

  1. There can be infinite agents in the same spot... use the shield, then select an enemy and direct all your guys to that agent.. now look into the map and you will only see 1 yellow dot hehe
  2. The flamethrower goes TROUGH walls, door, wndows, shields... always were one in these full-shielded missions.
  3. The detonation could be passed if you use the medikit while are in flames. The agent will reappeared with all the health hehe ...

So - you can use only flamers, shields and medkit to complete the mission.