Mission index (for /m param): 104
SW Port mission (for -m): 0,104
City name on PC: Tokyo
Map and level files (PC): map070.mad, c070l011.dat,
PC Campaign: Demo(Eurocorp) mail 01
Citydrop code name: Tokyo Fuseki
First objective: Eliminate the Unguided

(map104 Tokyo)


This is Eurocorp mission from DEMO version of the game. It is not a part of Eurocorp campaign in full version.

PC Briefing

Message Type: DIRECT

Priority: 3

Message begins:


Tokyo: Armed Category U - Unguided citizens reported in violation of behaviour codes. Quell disorder.

UTOPIA architect Professor Klein has been traced by Netscan. Re-persuade the professor to come and work for us once more.

Additional: zealot members of the New Epoch cult have been detected in this area. As our inventory does not include a persuadertron, it will be necessary to relieve the zealots of theirs.

The effects of the cult's Harbinger virus on the Tokyo's UTOPIA node are making continuous Netscan feed impossible. No further information is available.

EuroCorp Core 0-1-0/171261/26D: London Artificial Intelligence, UTOPIA

Universal Transferred Organic Processing Interface Architecture


Kill some punks to equip yourself with miniguns. They also have two suitcases. When you'll get them, go to the zealots and borrow persuadertron.

Do not persuade the professor yet, first use it on some civilians, and allow them to pick up weapons of your victims. Then persuade professor, and allow your little crowd to take care of the zealots coming in flying cars.

Then evacuate and it's done. Watch out for more zealots near the evacuation zone.