Mission index (for /m param): 046
City name on PC: Colombo
Map and level files (PC): map046.mad, c046l015.d3,
PC Campaign: Pre-alpha Eurocorp
Citydrop code name: Empty
First objective: n/a

(map046 Colombo)

PC Walkthrough by Moburma

A pre-alpha level that must be converted to be playable.

Even then, there is a problem with this level so it will not load in the final game. If the executable for the demo is used, this will load the level as a Simulated Level. This allows the level to be played and reveals it's a very early version of mission 84.

Too unfinished, but interesting

It can't really be played as such as there are no objectives, but it is interesting as Shady Guys are used as stand-ins for the Nine/Elite zealots, suggesting their graphics did not exist yet at this time.