Mission index (for /m param): 066
City name on PC: Cape Town
Map and level files (PC): map044.mad, c044l015.d1,
PC Campaign: Unguided
Citydrop code name: Empty
First objective: Eliminate Group

(map066 Cape Town)

PC Walkthrough by Moburma

A pre-alpha level that must be converted to be playable.

The barbarians are at the gates and it looks like Eurocorp's base here is going to fall. However, they're not finished yet.

Your punks start spread out across the city, so the order of the day is to regroup them all at a point in the map away from the sealed Eurocorp base.

After a short time, the furthest group of agents will board their flying APC and land just outside of the gate. A death squad will disembark and will quickly get to work annihilating the unguided uprising. Unfortunately you can't gather your fellow punks to you in this level, so instead use their limited resistance as a distraction to hit and run individual agents. In particular your punks start with Nuclear Grenades, so use these to their full potential to quickly thin the agent squad. The APC remains giving fire support from the sky and is pretty nasty, so take this out best as you can with your Lasers.

Once the first group are destroyed, the second will form up to engage in the same way. This time they are packed into a larger dropship. Either way, the same tactics should suffice to end the mission.

(map scheme)

Start Points

Eurocorp Agents

Attack Point