Mission index (for /m param): 068
City name on PC: Detroit
Map and level files (PC): map035.mad, c035l004.dat,
PC Campaign: Unguided
Citydrop code name: Zealot Attack
First objective: Eliminate Group

(map068 Detroit)

PC Walkthrough by Moburma

A pre-alpha level that must be converted to be playable.

The first level of the Unguided campaign. This will be very familiar to anyone who has played the Eurocorp campaign.

You start off at the IML link. Everyone on this level, including your unguided are armed only with uzis. The mission is to take out the group of Zealots presumably fleeing from the Harbinger infected AI bunker. They're all packed into a single car that starts off leaving the compound before then they get out and start wandering the city in two main groups. You also have a few extra punks to assist, and they provide some helpful extra firepower. However, you're likely to lose in a standup fight due to the sheer weight of numbers. Therefore commandeer the zealot's abandoned car to driveby them in relative safety.

Once they're all dead, you must head back to the IML link to end the mission.

(map scheme)

Start Point

Zealot Start

Vehicle End Point