Mission index (for /m param): 067
City name on PC: Buenos Aires
Map and level files (PC): map026.mad, c026l004.dat,
PC Campaign: Unguided
Citydrop code name: Talks Ambush
First objective: Goto location

(map067 Buenos Aires)

PC Walkthrough by Moburma

A pre-alpha level that must be converted to be playable.

It seems the plot here would be that Eurocorp are calling a truce and want to meet with the unguided - unarmed - to negotiate peace.

As the first objective you have to walk into the mouth of the alleyway where the Eurocorp agents await. As soon as you get there, you will notice that they grab their guns, and a load more agents pour out of a nearby building. It's a trap! The next objective is to flee to the bottom right of the level where a mass of weaponry awaits. Among these are plasma lances, so prioritise these first as they will make short work of the minigun armed agents. However, once this first wave is eliminated, tougher agents armed with their own plasma lances will be roaming the streets in cars and begin to pull up and attack. The final objective is to finish these off too.

(map scheme)

Start Point

Eurocorp Agents

Ambush trigger

Weapons Arsenal