Mission index (for /m param): 060
City name on PC: Riyadh
Map and level files (PC): map020.mad, c020l002.dat,
PC Campaign: Unguided
Citydrop code name: Guns guns guns
First objective: n/a

(map060 Riyadh)

PC Walkthrough by Moburma

A pre-alpha level that must be converted to be playable.

This is actually an alternative version of mission 77. Note there are no mission objectives defined for this mission, so it cannot be completed nor will the game give guidance on what to do.

The objective here seems to be to recover some weapons hidden in the walls of a Eurocorp base and to eliminate all agents in the area.

From the start, head to the crowd of punks gathering in the opposite corner of the level. Try to avoid the main base for now as you'll likely be outgunned. Once the group have been contacted, they will begin to move on the main base. There are enough of them to clean up most of the agents for you. At the very bottom of the map there's a lone soldier armed with a launcher. Grab an ambulance from the hospital and kill him (or more likely just collect the launcher from his corpse, he normally dies early on vs the police).

Head back to the entrance of the base and mop up any remaining agents. You'll notice the objective is to get the items - but they're inside the walls! As such use the launcher to blow the base up. Once you've done this, grab the grenades that were inside. As this occurs you'll be rushed by several APCs dropping off troops. These are no problem to take out, especially if you grenade them. Finally the agents in the small base near the start can be mopped up (grab another ambulance to get inside).

(map scheme)

Start Point

Unguided Groups

Hidden Weapons

Rocket Launcher Soldier