Mission index (for /m param): 025
SW Port mission (for -m): 0,25
City name on PC: Adelaide
Map and level files (PC): map006.mad, c006l001.dat,
PC Campaign: Eurocorp mail 10
Citydrop code name: Walkabout
First objective: Persuade Gel Data scientist

(map025 Adelaide)

PC Briefing

Message Type: HARDWIRED

Priority: 1

Message begins:


Santiago, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Adelaide: Scientists traced.

Profound greetings.

London AI has been psych-profiling the message content of an increasing number of subversive broadcasts from Ko-Paull Vissick. His seminal message, sent on an open channel, clearly incited the Unguided to rise up, not only against the Syndicate, but also the Church of the New Epoch. Unfortunately, Vissick's invective was littered with prophecies of doom, indicating that his current state of mind is far from stable. He claimed, for example, that the Church of the New Epoch would bring about nothing less than Armageddon. I can only speculate as to how they're supposed to initiate global destruction.

Vissick's last assignment was so highly classified - and UTOPIA has been so desolated by the Harbinger virus - that information on the nature of his mission is sketchy. However, we know that he was working as part of a team of top researchers from Gel Data and The Hexagon Corporation on a project in Iceland. Jennifer Taks has given us the locations of Gel Data and Hexagon scientists in Santiago, Buenos Aires, Cape Town and Adelaide. Seek out and persuade these scientists at your discretion.

Good luck.


PC Walkthrough reference from nexoe.dk

Adelaide: Persuade scientist

Recommended Equipment: Miniguns, LR Rifles, Persuadertron, Launchers

Guide: This one starts with a fierce shootout. Get your Miniguns equipped to deal with the rifle-wielding punks and laser-firing police which attack in large numbers at the start. Activate supershields and blast away till the coast is clear. You can then steal one of the police vehicles, if you want.

Head towards the Zealot temple in the east part of the city. Use LR Rifles to snipe at the Zealots from the road (do drive-by shootings, if you prefer). If a Zealot flying car attacks, switch to Launchers and run for it. Once all the Zealots are eliminated, go in and persuade the scientist (inside the pyramid). Take a car from the nearby parking bay and head for the IML Link.

PSX Walkthrough by Alan Manning


[Hail executive] info from the scientist your team persuaded in Cape Town might mean a connection between the Scientist Ko Paull Vissick and the Church of New Epoch. You must persuade another researcher, who works in a Gel Data facility in Adelade, so we can fully understand Vissicks situation.

Keep the Launchers you collected from the Church members, they will prove useful against aircraft.

Once you leave hq, you will be immediately attacked by some Zealots. Kill them. Another bunch of Zealots will blow up their base to the left and run to your direction. Destroy them also, and take their explosives. Further Zealots will attack form the right, deal with them. Stay near hq and wait until some militia attack. This is a hard battle, as their numbers are many, and they also have KO Gas, so make sure you don't get caught in it. Now that you can take a breather, scope out the City. You will see your target is being protected by a huge quantity of church members. Another compound also contains Eurocorp personnel. This is you next target, but first take one of the vacant cop cars and go to where there is a lone green armored vehicle. This will trigger an attack from Eurocorp agents. Now go to the Eurocorp main base, and kill the few Eurocorp agents. Don't worry about the ones in the inner part. Now head to the church area. Slowly approach, and wait for a few to attack. Kill them, then some hover vehicles should also fire at you. Destroy these with the launchers. Now proceed to the temples. Eradicate the last church members and persuade the scientist, then take him to hq.


Once again, no money - but you should have enough stockpiled. You should have researched Brain level 2; that trauma software is going to come in handy for the next few missions, and Trigger Wire - I can't stress the usefulness of this item.

PC Walkthrough by Marc Stynen (UHS)


Persuade scientist.


see REF 10 Santiago


The first enemies to deal with in this Mission are some Unguideds. Miniguns can take care of them without a problem. They are carrying lasers, long range rifles and miniguns. Take the long-range rifle guys out first. Take four of those long-range rifle bullets and you will be glad that you brought a medikit along. At the end, a flying police car will join the party.

Walk to the Church but do not cross the street yet. Take your agent who is carrying the high explosives, and put 2 of the explosives on the wall near the street. The Epoch agents will be alarmed and will start to close in on you with 2 Zealot-flying-cars, but the explosion will kill many epoch agents and also at least damage the cars heavily. In my case, the first car was destroyed completely, and the second car only took me two more long-range rifle shots.

The Zealots in the Church are only bringing their disrupters and electronic maces along. They should know by now that those maces are not good enough. They will soon realise this: from the next Mission on most of them will have launchers. I hope you are researching that weapon while you are playing this mission.

It's very simple really. The surviving Zealots near our targets can be dealt with in any way you want (lasers, miniguns, rifles). Persuade the scientist and get back to the IML link. Too easy, right? Up to REF 11 then.

Message ends.

PC Walkthrough by Mefistotelis

Message Type: DIRECT

Priority: 2

Message begins:

Surveillance simulation

Results standard deviation: Very low

New weapons: none

Possible loot: 1 Scientist

Mission peculiarity: Recurring if not completed

The Police in cars will always get off near places where something was happening (e.g. you killed a Zealot). They clash with Unguided - although will leave some for you.

Hide your weapon while the Police is nearby and they won't shoot you.

If you want to fly by plane - watch out, the Adversaries in the area will try to get into it.

There's a bunch of Adversaries in the middle bunker reachable only by air, but it is not profitable to go there - only Lasers.

There are no additional threats nor gains. All you can do is pick up High Explosive after Unguided.

When it's safe, persuade the Scientist.

At this point you should evacuate to an IML Station. But you do not want that. This is a special recurring level - you can repeat it forever, as long as you never complete it. Each time you repeat it, you can get the credits, and two more Scientists. So pause the game and quit the mission. Not completing it will not affect further progress.

Additional hints

There are no Agents to take.

This is Adelaide AI non-official message, please do not reply.

(map scheme)

Start point




Flying car
