Mission index (for /m param): 108
SW Port mission (for -m): 1,108
City name on PC: Bangkok
Map and level files (PC): map003.mad, c003l010.dat,
PC Campaign: Demo(Church of NE) mail 02
Citydrop code name: Empty
First objective: Destroy building

(map108 Bangkok)


This is Church mission which was intended to be part of DEMO version of the game. It was never included in the demo, probably because the engine was unfinished and couldn't handle the objectives properly.

PC Briefing

Shine, Selfless One.

Demolish a UTOPIA ground station and wipe out its security garrison.

Your guidance is required in Bangkok, which we shall soon save from the Syndicate.

EuroCorp's presence has been contained to a UTOPIA ground station and its security garrison. Already, your brother and sisters gather on the other side of the river, in preparation for making the greatest sacrifice.

Lead the way. Destroy the buildings which link the chain of slavery EuroCorp calls UTOPIA. Show our followers the way of the Cataclysm by eliminating the security personnel.

Do this for the Nine.


The Master held his palms aloft. "Behold my wounds," said He. The onlookers observed the cauterization and the sunlight that shone through His great hands.

"Let there be pain."

- The Book of Cataclysm.


Nothing yet. You can write something by yourself and send it to me.