Mission index (for /m param): 064
City name on PC: Bangkok
Map and level files (PC): map003.mad, c003l007.dat,
PC Campaign: Unguided
Citydrop code name: Empty
First objective: Assassinate

(map064 Bangkok)

PC Walkthrough by Moburma

A pre-alpha level that must be converted to be playable.

The level actually in place here is not the correct one for the mission defined. However, if you rename the level file c003l007.d1 to c003l007.dat (and overwrite that old file), the correct level for the objectives can be played. c003l007.d1 does not need to be converted to be played.

Eliminate scientist, then take out the Zealots.

This Bangkok is crawling with zealots who will be all over your small group of punks as soon as you start moving. The objective is to eliminate a scientist in the base in the far away corner. Checking the map, you will notice the only way in is via train. As such sprint to the IML station. Zealots will immediately home in on your position, but the station gates make a good funnel to concentrate them in and take them out relatively safely while waiting for the train. Once they're dead, board the train to the base and get off at the other end. Further progress relies on taking out waves of zealots in the actual base. Once you've got through them all, kill the scientist. He leaves behind a very handy LR Rifle, grab it immediately.

The next objective is to take out the entire congregation of the zealot church across the map. Ride the train back and use your new found LR Rifle to snipe them from a distance. Once dead, the final stop is the IML link leading off-map.

(map scheme)

Start Point

Station Choke Point

Scientist Target


Exit IML