Mission index (for /m param): 030
City name on PC: Matochkin Shar
Map and level files (PC): map002.mad, c002l003.dat,
PC Campaign: Pre-alpha Church of N. Ep.
Citydrop code name: Empty
First objective: Goto Location

(map030 Matochkin Shar)

PC Walkthrough by Moburma

A pre-alpha level that must be converted to be playable.

This is actually a cut Church of the New Epoch mission, starring Mirabelle Lucy De Saxo.

A very difficult level, the objective is to retrieve a briefcase from deep within a sealed Eurocorp base. Unfortunately they are on to you from the off, and you start with no weapons.

As you walk out from the IML start position, a police car should pull up, and the officer abandon it. If you leap inside you will be protected from the approaching agent. You can also now get inside the base. However, you have no weapons and will be attacked by multiple agents. If you're lucky you can sprint from the car to the nearby flying taxi and use that to get to the item and escape. However, it's much more likely you will die...

There are also some nuclear grenades inside the base, but they are too far away to be useful.