Mission index (for /m param): 070
City name on PC: Hong-Kong
Map and level files (PC): map001.mad, c001l007.dat,
PC Campaign: Uguided Campaign
Citydrop code name: Empty
First objective: Destroy building

(map070 Hong-Kong)

PC Walkthrough by Moburma

A pre-alpha level that must be converted to be playable.

This is a quite simple early level where you must source some explosives in order to destroy a statue in the middle of the City.

You start off armed only with miniguns, so the first order of the day is taking out the many police in the area to acquire their useful lasers.

The level gives no clues where to actually go next, but scouring the map reveals a hidden nuclear grenade in the middle of a Eurocorp chemical lab. Steal a car (likely off one of the police) to get inside, taking out the guards on the way.

Once you've got the grenade just drive up the statue and throw the grenade from the edge of the river and it should take out the statue, completing the mission

(map scheme)

Start Point

Nuclear Grenades
