



Missions 1 to 10

Western Europe:

"Mercenary camp", assassination

Information costs: 100, 200, 400

Map enhancement costs: 100, 200, 400

Brief: Intelligence reports have indicated that an army colonel is stealing resources from your weapons division and using them to equip his mercenaries. His base has been set up just outside one of our cities and the populace have reported disturbances caused by his troops. Your squad will be deployed near the entrance to the camp. Their objective is to eliminate the colonel.

Defence update: Surveillance reports show that the camp is guarded by about five militia armed with both shotguns and pistols.

Target update: The colonel is believed to stay in the northern most building of the camp. if he becomes aware of your presence he may decide to withdraw. He must not be allowed to escape.

Tactics: A single agent could infiltrate the camp and assassinate the target quite easily. It is important to note that whilst a shotgun is devastating as a close in weapon it is seriously outranged by the pistol and so provision should be made for both of these weapons to be used to their best potential. It is also advised that a similarly equipped agent be kept outside the camp for backup if needed.


"The milk run", personnel acquisition

Information costs: 200, 600, 800

Map enhancement costs: 200, 400

Brief: Two notable scientists are both staying in a small hamlet close to one of our research complexes. They would obviously be a great help to our R and D boys. Your squad has instructions to <persuade> both the scientists to join our reputable organisation.

City update: There is a sewer system that runs from the research complex to the river and it has inlets in the hamlet itself. Your squad will be transported by sewer raft to a drop off point in the town itself. The sewers are very dangerous however and without the proper equipment it is inadvisable to enter them.

Defence update: There is a very small police presence in the town that should provide no problem at all. The scientists however have brought along bodyguards. These have to be eliminated carefully so as not to damage the target.

Tactics: Small arms are all that is really necessary for this mission. Do not use shotguns for dealing with the bodyguards or anyone who happens to be close to the target. Only one agent is required although you may want to take in another as backup.

Central Europe:

"Urban assault", combat sweep

Information costs: 100, 200, 300

Map enhancement costs: 200, 600a

Brief: A small town is holding out against all our advertising campaigns thanks to enemy syndicate influence. This is having a detrimental effect on our profits and so we have decided to step up the campaign. An assault squad should enter the town and eliminate all enemy syndicate activity in the area. This will leave the town open for our marketing boys.

City update: The town is very small and the main entrance is only accessible by vehicle. The transport division has provided a ground car for this mission. Please try to bring it back.

Defence update: There is little or no police influence in the town and the enemy syndicate forces are seriously under strength. Now is the ideal time to strike.

Tactics: A well equipped squad should have no problems with this one. Stick together and the enemy squad should fall before you. Shotguns and a few medikits just in case are all that is really needed.

Eastern Europe:

"Raiders", assassination

Information costs: 200, 400

Map enhancement costs: 100, 200, 400a

Brief: An enemy syndicate has brainwashed a notable scientist who now works for them. He has improved their equipment a tremendous amount and is a serious asset. Unfortunately they have inserted a small chip in his brain which detects the activity of the persuadertron and blocks the signal making him immune to <persuasion> . He cannot be allowed to continue his research for the enemy and so he must be eliminated.

City update: The city is quite small and relatively undefended. A small squad should have no problems in reaching the installation in the south west sector and achieving the mission objective.

Tactics: Resistance is expected to be quite light so heavy weapons will not be needed. Indeed it would be risky allowing such technology to possibly fall into enemy hands. Proceed with all speed to the installation ignoring all other aspects of the city. Keep it tight and you should have no problems.


"Clean sweep", combat sweep

Information costs: 300, 800

Map enhancement costs: 100, 400, 800a

Brief: An enemy syndicate has been experiencing problems with the population of a nearby city. This is mainly due to subversive techniques from our espionage department. As a result of this the enemy syndicate has pulled out most of its forces from the surrounding area and the city has fallen open for us to take. Your squad is to conduct a reconnaissance sweep of the area to clear out any enemy syndicate agents remaining inside city limits before returning to the pick up point.

Syndicate update: The enemy squad is seriously under strength and poorly equipped. The police force is almost non existent and shouldn't provide any more problem for you than it does for them.

Tactics: Small arms with automatics for support are all that are really needed for this mission. A squad of two agents could cover the city in almost no time at all. Either keep both agents tight to each other and concentrate firepower on individual targets or drag one agent further behind with longer ranged equipment to provide cover for the first.


"Snatch and grab", personnel acquisition

Information costs: 200, 400, 800

Map enhancement costs: 300, 700, 1500o

Brief: The notable Professor Valken is attending a conference in the research labs of a nearby city. He is believed to be the worlds leading authority on cybernetics and so would make an ideal ally for our research and design department. The research labs are in a separate complex in the southern sector of the city. Your squad will be deployed in a cooperative chemical plant to the north. Their mission is to <persuade> the professor to join us. Once he has been persuaded a drop ship will come to pick up the squad. Ensure that all agents are within the pick up zone.

City update: The city itself is split into two distinct levels. The lower ground level is a slum whilst the upper apartments are quite plush. A monorail runs through the middle of the city and it is believed to be quite reliable.

Target update: Reports seem to indicate that the research complex is only accessible from the higher street level so finding a way up to the walkways is a very high priority.

Tactics: A small squad will attract less attention to itself than a larger one. Shotguns should be adequate for dealing with the slums but when you enter the research complex we cant have any firing in there.


"Scum patrol", combat sweep

Information costs: 400, 800

Map enhancement costs: 100, 300, 1200a

Brief: A nearby city has just fallen into anarchy with the untimely death of the mayor. Even though this was nothing to do with us we feel that the good citizens of the city require our support and understanding at this terrible time. Other syndicates also seem to have the same idea however. Your squad is to perform a sweep through the city to clear out any of the enemy syndicate slime.

Syndicate update: At least three enemy squads have been sighted in the area. With any luck they will all be gunning for each other as well so you wont have much to worry about them.

Tactics: Let them fight it out amongst themselves. Keep your squad together and just try to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Bide your time and just defend yourselves until most of the enemy has died before mopping up the rest of the opposition. Automatics with a few long range support weapons are called for in this one. As it could be a long mission you would be well advised to take a few medikits as well.


"Spring cleaning", combat sweep

Information costs: 100, 500, 1200

Map enhancement costs: 100, 300, 1600a

Brief: An up and coming town has just attracted the attention of head office as being a very promising base for our marketing boys to experiment with. It is occupied and defended by several syndicate squads and obviously we cannot move in until they are removed. Your squad must sweep through the city and wipe out all trace of the enemy scum.

City update: The city itself is divided in two by a rail line. The only way to cross between the two is by a shuttle train that is very quick and efficient.

Syndicate update: The latest reports seem to indicate that there are at least three enemy defence squads. We also believe that their spy network knows that we are coming. They will therefore be ready for you and you should expect stiff resistance.

Tactics: The full squad should be deployed for this one. One or two of the agents should be equipped with support weaponry and drag behind the others when they move. This will allow them to provide cover fire for the front line men. Try to clear the first side of agents before moving the whole squad over to the other side. Do not split your squad between the two halves as they will then be easy pickings for the enemy.


"Waterworks", assassination

Information costs: 200, 250, 500, 700

Map enhancement costs: 700, 1200o

Brief: One of our politician friends has started to refuse us our normal and courteous requests. This is extremely bad form and is just not tolerable. In order to restore the status quo and make an example of him we have decided to kill his good lady wife. Your squad will be deployed in the docks of a floating city where it is believed she spends most of her time. We have been unable to find her location but we do know the whereabouts of a likely informer. He may require some <persuasion> to reveal her location however.

Defence update: The local police force is all that really stands between you and the mission objective. They are poorly equipped and badly trained so they should not be a problem.

Syndicate update: There is no reason to expect any enemy syndicate forces as this doesn't have any direct influence on their business. Nevertheless you should still keep an eye out for any enemy scout squads in the area.

Target update: It is believed that the target has bodyguards. No further information is available on them however.

Tactics: A single assassin could walk right up to the house almost undetected by the local authorities. When you arrive at the house pick your time well before striking. If the building is guarded it would be advisable to wait for the target to leave and pick her off with a long range shot.

Far East:

"1st recon squad", reconnaissance

Information costs: 250, 500

Map enhancement costs: 100, 250, 500o

Brief: As a primary step to the taking of a city you are to land a recon patrol to investigate the target area. Your squad will be landed at the docks in the southwest of the city and you are to secure a beach head and conduct a sweep of the surrounding area. Any enemy syndicate forces you encounter must be eliminated. Once this is achieved then return to the docks for retrieval.

Defence update: Enemy squads are believed to be spread throughout the city and sophisticated surveillance equipment will detect the landing craft long before you reach the docks. You should be prepared for very stiff opposition.

Tactics: The full squad should be deployed for the sweep. As long as you keep them together and juiced up there should be no real problem. Uzis backed up with longer range support are all that is necessary but you should not overlook medikits.