Platform type and map index: VG n/a
Location region: Argentina
Citydrop code name: Property Speculation
Mission type: unknown

(Map picture unavailable)


As we want the last piece of un-polluted soil on the planet for our new landfill site, the cooperation of the Buenos Aires chief of police is required.

Find his sister and use her to persuade him to sign his legacy over to us. Look out for TLC agents and eco-terrorists.


This mission can be a little annoying if you are not careful. You need to persuade the police chief's daughter and then the chief himself, except that the chief is not a civilian he is a police drone. He is one of the drones on the left edge of the map, so don't shoot any of those. There are many agents around, but many are so out of the way you don't need to worry about them, specifically the agents who are hanging around under the highway. Head to the northeast building, and kill the agents inside. Then carefully kill the agents surrounding your target. If you have to take hits in order to wait for your target to appear, do it because you do not want to kill her. Once you persuade her, escort her to the place you started where the chief-bot is floating about, persuade him and then escort both to the plaza outside the mansion.