Platform type and map index: VG n/a
Location region: Pacific Rim
Citydrop code name: Walk On The Wild Side
Mission type: unknown

(Map picture unavailable)


One of our most unpopular fanatical leaders is going walkabout in Tokyo today.

The Castrilo have a contract out on him and we are currently in need of some good publicity.

Make sure the attempt gains maximum exposure without being successful. Neutralise all enemy cyborgs.


There is a guy in the very middle of the map at the crossroads who does not wander around. He is the guy you must protect. Very few of the agents are actually trying to approach the target, so take them out first. What you want to do is immediately start demolishing enemy cyborgs. They are everywhere, so pause, find the closest one, then kill him, repeat. Some have bombs, some have miniguns, and many stay put in their hideouts. You should not have a hard time with this level unless some agent sneaks up on the guy you are protecting, but this has never happened to me.