Platform type and map index: VG n/a
Location region: India
Citydrop code name: Bio-Engineering For Beginners
Mission type: unknown

(Map picture unavailable)


The TLC syndicate is using a crop farm outside town as a front for animal experimentation.

The facility is expertly equipped which will save us time and money when we take it over for our own experiments. Acquire a prototype flame thrower reported to be on site.


You need to kill all the enemy agents and then take the chiller gun in the middle building. Don't go hunting for agents; let them come to you. Scroll around while paused to find isolated agents. Also, many are behind fences, but don't go right up to the fence. Wait for them to wander over, then move in quick to catch them unawares. When they are all dead, grab the chiller (behind two guard robots) and evacuate.