Platform type and map index: PC 92
Location region: Mexico
Citydrop code name: Deep zone
Mission type: equipment recovery
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map92 Mexico)

(92 Mexico on world map)


One of our underground agents has been intercepted behind enemy lines and he has now gone missing. He was scouting out potential territories when he was attacked.

The information would have been stored in a scanner unit that was on his person.

Your squad will be dropped into his last known location, and you are to recover the scanner and bring it back to the landing zone.

Target update:

The scanner emits a signal that shows up on your standard scanning unit. Our intelligence reports show that this is in the southwest of the city.

Syndicate update:

The scanner and its information has created a large interest amongst our rivals, and we believe that several enemy squads are on their way to attempt to retrieve it. They are exceptionally well equipped.


Get in there and get the scanner as fast as possible. If at all possible, don't engage the enemy forces, and just concentrate on getting the equipment out of there. If you are caught in a firefight, then try to edge back into an ambush position, and attack the enemy on numerous sides. Split your squad so that the enemy have multiple targets and they will split their firepower.


No description for now....