Platform type and map index: PC 81
Location region: Nigeria
Citydrop code name: Body snatchers
Mission type: personnel aquisition
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map81 Nigeria)

(81 Nigeria on world map)


An activist is staying in the nearby city. She has already proved that she has great leadership abilities, but better still is her network of underground communications. If we could <persuade> her to join our cause, then she would be a valuable ally.

Your squad will be deployed somewhere in the vicinity.


A single agent stands the best chance of getting in quick with the minimum of fuss. If enemy syndicates are present, and reports indicate that this is likely, then you would be well advised to take in one or two further agents as backup. They can then provide cover fire as the first locates the target and <persuades> her.


No description for now....