Platform type and map index: PC 80
Location region: Colombia
Citydrop code name: Carry on doctor
Mission type: escort
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map80 Colombia)

(80 Colombia on world map)


One of our executives is in need of medical attention. Unfortunately the doctor is out of supplies.

We need somebody to steal some supplies for the doctor, and then run an escort to protect him long enough to get to the exec.

Target update:

Civilian medical vehicles carry enough supplies for field surgery, and one of these would be ideal. If you can locate one and get it to the doctor, then all you have to do is keep enemy agents away.


Find and retrieve the ambulance before you get to the doctor. Only one agent is necessary to drive, although another should be deployed to guard the doc whilst the ambulance is en route. When you get to the doc, then leave the ambulance and let him drive. You should then adopt an escort role, to see that he gets to his destination successfully.


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