Platform type and map index: PC 71
Location region: Zaire
Citydrop code name: The policemans ball
Mission type: personnel aquisition
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map71 Zaire)

(71 Zaire on world map)


The captain of the local police force is planning to retire after a long and glorious career, in which he rarely strayed from the path of justice, unless we asked him to. His replacement is reputed to be in the pocket of another syndicate, and will obviously not be as helpful.

Your squad is to <persuade> the new captain, and bring him back to the landing zone, so he can be taken to headquarters for a chat.

Syndicate update:

The enemy syndicate has gotten wind of this plan and has despatched a defence squad for the protection of the captain.

Target update:

The target is in the complex in the northwest sector of the city. He may be considerably harder to <persuade> than a normal civilian due to his police background. we also believe him to be armed.


One of two agents with light automatics and at least one persuadertron should have no trouble with the captain. The enemy squad should take more consideration. If you deploy a few agents, then keep them together for the best defence and let them watch each others backs. If you deploy a larger amount, then try to lure the enemy squad into an ambush situation. Do not engage anybody near the target zone as this may endanger the target.


No description for now....