Platform type and map index: PC 61
Location region: Sudan
Citydrop code name: Vengeance
Mission type: assassination
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map61 Sudan)

(61 Sudan on world map)


Two street punks from the nearby city have been acting as informer against us for an enemy syndicate. They have been passing on information regarding our training and scout activities in the area.

This is obviously detrimental to our scope of operations in this area and so we have decided to take action against them.

Your squad is to enforce a strict no information policy on the two people in question. Preferably with a lot of ammo.

Syndicate update:

We believe that they know we are after them, and that they have passed this information on to their contacts. You can expect to meet resistance from several enemy strike squads.

Syndicate update:

The targets have split up in an attempt to make your job harder. We suspect that they are holed up in individual buildings in the east and the south of the city.


Try to deal with the enemy squads first, as they will be too much of a distraction when it comes to the targets. When the enemy agents are destroyed, then it's up to you whether you persue the targets one at a time or both at once. We only know the location of the first target at this time, so it's probably better to do it one after the other.


No description for now....