Platform type and map index: PC 40
Location region: New England
Citydrop code name: Anarchy
Mission type: personnel aquisition
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map40 New England)

(40 New England on world map)


The nearby city has just undergone a rebellion against the local government. As a result the whole city is in a state of anarchy. Amongst this turmoil are three political candidates who may be of some use when it comes to patching the city back together again.

Your squad will be dropped into the centre of the city and you must <persuade> all of the candidates before returning to the drop zone.

Police update:

As a result of the chaos the police force is non existant. You can therefore act with impunity during your stay inside city limits.

Syndicate update:

Obviously a situation such as this attracts all sorts of unwanted attention. We believe several enemy squads to be en route to the city. With any luck they will be so busy fighting amongst themselves that they wont bother you with the mission.


To be on the safe side a large squad should be deployed not forgetting the persuadertron. Whatever you do try to avoid direct contact with the enemy squads. Definately do not get in the line of fire between two opposing groups. At the end of the mission you can feel free to move around the city and mop up any surviving enemy agents however.


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