Platform type and map index: PC 34
Location region: Northern Territories
Citydrop code name: Twin Cities
Mission type: assassination
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map34 Northern Territories)

(34 Northern Territories on world map)


A couple of rebel activists have been spotted stirring up trouble in the nearby double city. The local police force seem to be reluctant to deal with them and so your squad is to be deployed to take care of them both.

City update:

The city is split by a large expanse of water which is spanned by two road bridges. Access to these bridges is restricted so you will have to find transport to cross.


A low key assassin squad of one maybe two agents would stand the best chance of eliminating the targets without annoying the police. Long range rifles are the prime weapons for pinpoint assassinations and should be used to their best advantage. One agent could enter the house to flush out the rebels while the other lies in wait with a sniper rifle.

Keep an eye on your transport as it may be required to reach your pickup point.


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