Platform type and map index: PC 11
Location region: Western Australia
Citydrop code name: XPPFG capture
Mission type: equipment aquisition
Agents needed: n/a
Suggested weapons: n/a

(map11 Western Australia)

(11 Western Australia on world map)


Rumour has it that a rival syndicate has developed a personal protection field generator capable of resisting bullets whilst still being small enough to be carried by an agent.

You don't need me to tell you the effect this will have in future confrontations and obviously we can't let this happen.

Your squad is to penetrate the enemy complex and aquire the prototype.

Syndicate update:

As this is such a revolutionary device expect resistance to be fierce. As far as the latest intelligence reports go we are looking at several enemy squads armed with uzis and mini guns. These squads roam the city attempting to intercept and eliminate enemy actions before the complex comes under threat.

Defence update:

The security network of the city is fairly lax but the security forces around the target complex itself are a force to be reckoned with. We anticipate several guard units with light weaponry supported by almost inaccessable heavy weapon squads.


Group together for maximum defence against the enemy syndicate squads. Once these are dispatched then you can concentrate on advancing to the complex. Attack the building itself from two sides forcing the defenders to split their firepower. Long range weaponry should pick off guards before they are in close range.


No description for now....